Tuesday, December 30, 2008


For long I have had this feeling which for lack of any other word, I would call rootlessness. All my life I have been hopping from one place to another. Some of it I wanted, some of it I didn't, and some of it just happened. At the end of it all, I hardly find anything in the world to identify myself with. Its like I don't know where do I belong.

At an early age, I found myself into hostel life, and would spend more time there than at my home by the blessings of the rules of the hostel. I would identify myself more with the hostel than with home. I would feel like that the people around me then would stay around me always.

But as it would happen, every year, a lot of faces would change. Lots of new students coming, new teachers coming, old teachers going, old students going, even the hostel building itself changing, nothing would remain the same every once in a while. And one day, I found myself done with my school and this sweet hostel of my childhood was no more my own. All of my friends there went on their own ways, and over time most of it faded somewhere into memory, and very little of it was left.

At IIT (my college), I was in hostel again. Somehow I never was comfortable with IIT. It was as if a great 4 year marathon challenge, where I had to work my way through, and create a niche for myself for my future. The 4 years taught me a lot of things. I met a lot of great people there. Made a lot of good friends. Learnt a lot of technology and engineering, and certainly a lot of computers and programming. I was never good with physical work, but with computers, I found something I could do well. At least well enough. And I learnt a lot more about human behavior, but somehow grew more and more introvert. But not everything was right. I had a failed internship after my 3rd year (in my own judgement). That was my first experience of putting my efforts into creating something useful and I didn't know the way. My final year project was also not worth much. I just did simulations of some digital filters and plotted their behavior at the end of it. Again, I didn't know how to organize my efforts into making something useful.

And one day, the 4 years were over again. After a few days, I was in my new job. My first job. The company worked in a start up mode. With the help of my seniors and colleagues, slowly I learnt the art of making something useful. Over time, I started appreciating that I had enough skills in myself to be able to contributing something useful to the world.

And then all of a sudden, a weird thing happened. I found myself roaming around different corners of the world for the good of the company. I would spend a good lot of my time in an year travelling around. While in India, I would be busy preparing things for next release of software, and rest of time, learning from people around the world, what all more needed to be done. A cycle which apparently has no end in itself. Life suddenly has gotten itself meshed into a sequence of imaginary goals and deadlines. Before I finish something, there is a big list of new things put forward and I never find myself having done enough.

In last few years, I have shifted my living apartment 4-5 times, stayed in N number of hotels. Have been stranded in distant airports, away from anybody I know. Travelled alone long distances to meet people whom I never met before and probably would not meet again. Made a whole lot of acquaintances but very few friends. I do not know what is the relevance of all this that I do.

I go back to my home town once or twice in a year. Except for my parents and a couple of people I know there, there is not much to relate to there for me.

This process has resulted into this exquisite feeling called rootlessness.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Photographs from PAN IIT 2008 Alumni Meet


from my cellphone camera. Not really providing a detailed coverage of the event. Just some glimpses here and there.


Mensa international is the largest, oldest and best known society of people with High IQ. It inducts people with standard IQ tests (like Stanford-Binet) and if you score above 98 percentile (i.e. you are amongst the top 2% people), you qualify for joining Mensa.

About 6 and a half years back, I tried the test and I failed. I had just completed my graduation with IIT Kharagpur, joined Interra and had generally done well. I was more than confident that I would be able to qualify. But fortunately or unfortunately I didn't.

It helped me realize that I am not really as intelligent as I used to think I am. The only other thing I could do was hard work. This has helped over the last 6 years and I have been able to do reasonably well in my career. I have learnt a lot and done quite good things so far. Probably it was good that I failed in that test.

Oh and since then I have consistently avoided appearing in any kind of tests :) I don't like them. May be I am afraid :)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Some truths about IITians

On Internet, I get to read a lot of criticism about the IITians in general. I thought I would write down some truths which are generally ignored.

It is said that IITs produce people who all go to US/Europe and serve the foreign countries and corporations. A detailed survey on this issue (officially released by PM of India during PAN IIT 2008 meet) has shown that about 66% of all IIT graduates actually stay back in India only. Only 30 something percent of IIT pass-outs move on to foreign countries. The recent liberalization has helped create a lot of opportunities in India itself and more and more IITians are actually staying back in India and helping build the future of India (including myself).

Prof Kalaam once said: IITians should not be employment seekers, they should be employment generators. I see so many of my seniors, batch mates, juniors running their own companies and generating so many jobs for the society. In existing organizations, IITians have contributed towards the growth of organizations by their efforts.

Some say that IITs have never produced a Nobel prize winner. It should be noted that Nobel prizes are primarily given in areas of Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Literature, Economics, and Peace. I would like to explain here the difference between science and technology. Basic sciences are focused on the discovery of the general principles which describe how things work. Technology is focused on applying these general principles into building things which are useful for mankind. IITs (Indian institutes of Technology) are focused on imparting the knowledge of technology rather than basic sciences. IITians have been at the fore-front of leading technology development all across the world. But for most of the part, their work is not directly qualified for Nobel prizes. It doesn't mean that any IITian would never get a Nobel Prize. This essentially means that Nobel prize should not be the criteria of judging the contribution of IIT system towards the society.

I don't say that all of us are great, or we have done enough for what we are worth, but any criticism should be well founded and based on proper facts. In any large group of people (there are roughly about 200, 000 IITians), you will find a wide variety of individuals with different capabilities, opinions, ideas, attitudes. The overall judgement of the whole group should not be based on a few individuals, but should take a wider perspective.

I am sure as a brand, we have done well over the years and our future looks bright. And one thing more. Our alumni network (PAN IIT) is probably one of the most active alumni networks all over the world.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Wish

Main aaj udna chahta hun
Bahut uncha,
Aasmaan se bhi upar
Bahut door udna chahta hun

Nayi raahon pe chalna chahta hun
Nayi manjilein dhoondhna chahta hun

Ik lambi udaan me
khona chahta hun
apne aap ko

Main aaj udna chahta hun

Gaana chahta hun geet
apne dil ki gahraiyon se
Wahan jahan koi sunne wala na ho

Sunna chahta hun
woh aawaaj
jisme koi shabd na ho

Main aaj udna chahta hun
Aasmaan se bhi upar

I wanna fly
very high

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Most of us are competing in one way or other with somebody else in different spheres of life. All of us have a fairly good understanding of it and there is not much I have to say, which you don't know already. But as I started thinking about it, I thought I would write down my thoughts.

Question: Is competition relative or absolute? What difference does this make?

The fact is competition is always relative. Unless you have a person or benchmark to compete with, there is no meaning of competition. If there is a 100 meter record of 9.7 seconds, then you may try to break the record. You fail or you succeed. If there was no such record beforehand, there would have been nothing to compete for. When I attempted IIT-JEE 1998, I was competing against about 2 lakh students to get into one of the prestigious IITs.

So whats so important about being relative? Actually relativity makes a lot of difference. It means that you need to be only slightly better than your competition to succeed. Being no. 1 requires that you are only slightly better than the no. 2. That means that you don't need to put infinite effort in achieving your goals. If you put more effort than required, no one is going to give you any special points for it. As long as you have a slight edge over competition, you are fine. Rest of your effort you can focus on maintaining the lead. And rest of your time you can use for pursuing the better things in life.

Strategy: A strategy is needed only when you are competing. The objective of a strategy is to identify a path which will lead you to become slightly better than your competition. A strategy is always against a competition. Without a competition, there is no meaning of strategy. There is nothing like an absolute strategy.

Question: Is competing the purpose of life? Is being better than your competition the most important thing in life? Should one really care too much about being the best?

I really doubt it. Though my friends and colleagues may point out that I am one of the most workaholic persons around, but that's not the complete truth. The purpose of competition is survival. Survival is the basic requirement of life. Unless you survive well, you cannot do anything else. Hence a certain amount of spirit of competition is necessary for anybody. The catch is to identify where to stop competing and focus on other things. And its necessary to realize that survival is not the purpose of life at all. Survival is only a basic requirement of life.

Beyond that a lot of things lie. Different people have different things as important to them. For some its their family. For others its some other passion(photography, travel, etc.). Some yearn for the goodwill of the society as a whole (revolutionaries, social workers, saints). For me knowledge is what I aspire and crave for. And I look for it wherever I can find it. I wish to know more about how things work and how to build great things (mostly software). And that's what I do. That's what I focus on. And this is absolute and infinite. There is no end to it. The more I do, the more I realize that I know so less. And that keeps me going day and night.


Hope is the most hopeless thing in the world. As they say, even if you haven't got anything, you can always have hope. There is always hope. Is this truly correct? Think about it. When one is in good shape and happy, there is no need of hope. Only when one needs something more, or is in really dire situation, he needs hope. Hope exists as a companion of need/desire. If there is no desire, there is no need for hope also. What will you hope for?

When Dharmaraj asked Yudhisthir (in Mahabharata), what is the biggest wonder in this world. Yudhisthir answered: In this world everybody sees millions of living beings being born and dying everyday. But still one never believes in his own death. This is certainly the biggest wonder in the world. What is this wonder built on? On the hope that one will not die. Is it sensible, isn't it hopeless?

There is so much contrast in knowledge and belief. We all know that everything that has a beginning has an end. But we never believe that it applies on us also. Isn't this madness? Insanity?

The purpose of life

What is the purpose of life? A question which comes around often amongst us when we are in a philosophical mood. And no matter how much we think about it, we are never sure that we know the answer. Or may be we know the answer but we don't understand the answer.

I had once conjectured, the purpose of life is to sustain life. This essentially comes from the field of genetics. All around one sees organisms living and dying and procreating to keep the life going on. For most of the living creatures hence, the purpose of life is pretty much about sustaining itself only. The selfish gene theory says that, the fundamental role of a gene is to spread itself all around as much as possible. They are programmed to behave like that. Why they are programmed like that? The answer is simple. Moleculer structures which are programmed to spread will take over any other kind of moleculer structure in the long run. And the history of earth itself is 5 billion years. So naturally what survive over time are genes which are fundamentally selfish in nature.

But as human beings we have got a special faculty, the ability to think and reason about the world around us. To ask such questions like why we are here, where have we come from, what are we supposed to do, and where will we go. And the fact is the more we think about such things, the more it kills us. Seems like that metaphysical questions are designed behave like a self-destructive circuits in our metal makeup.

All the gurus say that as human beings, the purpose of life is to serve others. And they say, that whenever you serve somebody else, your own happiness is guaranteed. I am not good enough to put their concepts into my own words, but I must say that they appear completely logical and sensible when I read them or listen to them.

But when it comes to translate those ideas into action, procrastination sets in. I have thounsands of doubts as to whether I am doing the right things and, doing them right. The fact is that the world will keep on going even if I don't do anything. And it will come back to the same state, even if I do something. The circle of life is always there which takes you back to the place where from you started. So why really do anything at all?

At the top of the world

What happens when you are at the top of the world? I mean not at mount everest but at something which feels like the top of the world for you. All along one struggles hard and looks forward to the thing that you are desiring, yearning for, wanting. And one day, all of a sudden you are there. How do you feel?

I don't know about you, but I know what I felt. I felt sheer joy and I was full of ecstacy. And for some time, it felt like nothing could go wrong at all. In my thrill, I forgot completely that although I had come there, the only places I could go from there was below it. Everything looked perfect then.

And then I fell down. For although I knew how to reach there, I didn't know how to stay on and what to do there. I didn't know that the storms are at the strongest there, as there is nothing to lean on to to protect yourself.

I just sit here and comtemplate about what all happened. Now it all looks like a dream. Why did this dream happen to me I don't know. I don't have the courage and ability to try it again. Its probably a mirage in an infinite desert.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

An affair

It was wonderful.

It was great.

And then it crashed.

Nothing was left.

Monday, October 27, 2008

aye saala

aye saala

abhi abhi huaa yaqeen

ki aag hai mujh mein kahi

hui subaah main chal gaya

suraj ko main nigal gaya

ruu-ba-ruu roshni heyy - 2

jo gumshuda-sa khwaab tha

voh mil gaya voh khil gaya

woh loha tha pighal gaya

kichhaa kichhaa machal gaya

sitaar mein badal gaya

ruu-ba-ruu roshni heyy - 2

(dhuaan chhataa khula gagan mera

nayi dagar naya safar mera

jo ban sake tu hamsafar mera

nazar mila zara) - 2

aandhiyon se jaghad rahi hai lau meri

ab mashaalon si bhad rahi hai lau meri

naamo nishaan rahe na rahe

ye kaaravaan rahe na rahe

ujaale mein pee gaya

roshan huaa jee gaya

kyon sehte rahe

ruu-ba-ruu roshni heyy - 2

dhuaan chhataa khula gagan mera

nayi dagar naya safar mera

jo ban sake tu hamsafar meran

azar mila zara

ruu-ba-ruu roshni heyy - 2

aye saala - 4

Monday, October 6, 2008

S. O. S.

Where are those happy days, they seem so hard to find
I tried to reach for you, but you have closed your mind
Whatever happened to our love?
I wish I understood
It used to be so nice, it used to be so good

So when youre near me, darling cant you hear me
S. o. s.
The love you gave me, nothing else can save me
S. o. s.
When youre gone
How can I even try to go on?
When youre gone
Though I try how can I carry on?

You seem so far away though you are standing near
You made me feel alive, but something died I fear
I really tried to make it out
I wish I understood
What happened to our love, it used to be so good

So when youre near me, darling cant you hear me
S. o. s.
The love you gave me, nothing else can save me
S. o. s.
When youre gone
How can I even try to go on?
When youre gone
Though I try how can I carry on?

So when youre near me, darling cant you hear me
S. o. s.
And the love you gave me, nothing else can save me
S. o. s.
When youre gone
How can I even try to go on?
When youre gone
Though I try how can I carry on?
When youre gone
How can I even try to go on?
When youre gone
Though I try how can I carry on?

Sunday, September 28, 2008

haiku (salesman)

I am a salesman
I sell dreams.
Free of cost!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

dil dhoondhataa hai, fir wahee furasat ke raat din

dil dhoondhataa hai, fir wahee furasat ke raat din
baithhe rahe tasawwoor-ye-jaanaa kiye huye
jaadon kee narma dhoop aaur aangan mein let kar
aankhon pe khinch kar tere daaman ke saaye ko
aaundhe pade rahe kabhee karawat liye huye
yaa gamreeyon kee raat jo poorawaaeeyaan chale
thhandee safed chaadaro pe jaage der tak
taaron ko dekhate rahe chhat par pade huye
barfilee sardiyon mein kisee bhee pahaad par
waadee mein gunjatee huyee, khaamoshiyaan soone
aankhon mein bheege bheege se lamhe liye huye

Monday, August 11, 2008

Secret Ballots

India has been a democracy for over 60 years now. But from top to bottom, secret bottoms are the norm for making the choices in all kinds of elections.

According to Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secret_voting, secret voting is a method to ensure that voter's choices are confidential and the key aim is to ensure that voter records a sincere choice by forestalling attempts to influence the voter by intimidation or bribery.

I consider this a serious failure of democratic system not to be able to provide enough security to their people so that they can express their views in a democratic manner openly.

The situation has degenerated so much that even in our esteemed Lok Sabha, on a number of issues secret ballots are conducted time to time. If even our members of parliament not comfortable in speaking out their opinions in an open ballot then what is the point of having democracy?

Although it is said that secret ballots are a method of ensuring that a voter can make a sincere choice without any kind of intimidation or bribery, the reverse is usually what happens. The secret ballots provide an opportunity for people to make choices without any explanation. It is easy to take bribes and change your votes in a secret ballot mechanism since you are not accountable to explain your choice (nobody actually knows what choice you made).

I would like to ask why the people of an electorate don't have the right to know about the choices made by their representatives to Parliament and other assemblies?

To increase the level of accountability and transparency in our system, it is necessary to phase out secret ballots from various levels of legislature and administration. This includes the Parliament and State assemblies, Intra-Party elections to name a few.

Why Devatas don't do any Tapasya?

In all of your studies of Hindu Mythologies, have you ever seen a dev (Indra, Surya, Varun, Som, Chandra, and the lot) ever doing any form of Tapasya? Off-course the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh is excluded from the list. These three are the super gods and every body else is supposed to look forward to them for help. Its always the human beings and the danavas, who are usually found involved in doing Tapasyas. And as a result of their hard work they are often able to beat up even the devatas.

Whenever something wrong goes with the Devatas, they all seem to run to Brahma, Vishnu, or Mahesh and take shelter in them. You never find Indra doing anything except worrying about his Indrasana.

I did some research and hit the following:

The article tends to clarify a lot of ideas related to being a Dev or a Danav. A Dev tends to give all the time while a Danav is always interested in acquiring more and more. If we look at the Mythology, we will find that the Danavs are generally interested in acquiring more and more through Tapasya. Somehow the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh are fine with giving in to their efforts and endowing them with great powers. Though they always make sure that there are some caveats in their boons so that at a later point of time they can be beaten by righteous people.

Since devtas are focused on conducting their duties (Sun ensuring that sun light is available to everybody, Indra making sure that rain happens regularly, Varun taking care of water etc.), they don't really have any desire or need to acquire more powers. Hence they don't need to go for Tapasya. And whenever they are in trouble (when Danavs attack them), they seem to get immediate help from the trinity without any problems. They are the favored ones always in the end.

More on this later...

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Jaane woh kaise log the jinke

Jaane Woh Kaise Log The Jinke Pyar Ko Pyar Mila
Humne To Jab Kaliyaan Maangi Kaaton Ka Haar Mila

Bichhad Gayaa Har Saathi Dekar Pal Do Pal Ka Saath
Kisko Phursat Hai Jo Thaame Deewane Ka Haath
Humko Apna Saaya Tak Aqsar Bezaar Mila
Humne To Jab...

Isko Hi Jeena Kehte Hain To Yunhi Ji Lenge
Uf Na Karenge Lab See Lenge Aansoo Pee Lenge
Gham Se Ab Ghabraana Kaisa Gham Sau Baar Mila
Humne To Jab...

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Logging in and Logging out

Whats this post about?

Oh, all of us keep logging in and out of so many systems every day. Our mails, messengers, work computers, home computers, bank accounts, so many things around us. It just dawned on me that this logging in and logging out is a much higher concept than just my Gmail and my gtalk and my laptop.

The Idea!

In an AHA moment, I just thought up that logging in is birth and logging out is death and we keep reincarnating again and again in different realms time and again.

Different Realms...

In our Hindu literature, we have different lokas like Swarg loka (for all the good souls), Narak loka (for all the bad guys), Patal loka (usually Rakshasa reside there), Goloka (Mr. Krishna conducts his Ras leela's there), Yam loka (Mr. Yamraj rules t here and with help of Mr. Chitragupt's accounts, keeps moving us around from one lok to another) and so on. . I was looking for a right word in English for loka and I finally thought that Realms are the same thing as our lokas.

Extending the Realms idea.. .

Then I extended this idea of realms a bit further. Each of these systems like Gmail, gtalk, yahoo, etc. are realms of their own. They provide a way to get into the realm and a way to get out. We all (the free spirits), have a choice to move around from one realm to another. In a particular realm, we have a few ways of moving around and interacting with other souls currently in the realm. The idea is pretty interesting. It may be crap but its an interesting crap.

A realm is essentially a system which provides ways to log in to the realm (taking birth inside it), and log out of it (dying out of it).

Every day is a new day (Or Every life is a new life)

Every time we log on to a system, its a new session for us. Things in one session are never exactly the same as things in earlier session. Things in one life are never exactly the same as a previous life.


Every realm that we enter into, is a physical realm, which provides certain ways of interaction, while limiting other forms of interaction with other souls. In gmail, you can write mails to others, read current and old mails, in gtalk you can chat with others, on orkut, you can scrap and see what all others are doing (in a limited but its own unique way)

Sub realms

A realm can contain multiple sub realms within providing different ways of interaction. For example, Google is a bigger realm which provides various sub-realms like: gtalk, orkut, gmail, Google search, Google videos.

Your office is a realm of its own. Where you generally meet your colleagues. Your home is another different realm. India is a bigger realm containing multiple sub and sub-sub and sub-sub-sub realms. So is US.

Overlapping/Related/Connected Realms

A number of realms are actually related to each other in certain ways. For example, using an aeroplane you can move from India to US or come back later. Using the telephone, you can talk to another person, who is in a different country(realm).

Super Realm

The earth as a whole is a super realm which contains so many realms within for all of us human beings to keep us engaged from the earthly birth to earthly death.


Attachment is our longing to go back to a realm again and again. We go back and check mails again. Chat with people again. Meet with them again.

The Dilemma

It is interesting to note that every possible realm has very limited ways of interaction. All of us beings are essentially free spiritual beings and don't enjoy limitations of any kind. Still to experience any particular kind of interaction, we will also have to embrace the corresponding limitations of the associated physical realm. In the end, we get frustrated with our limitations, and keep hopping from one realm to another looking for freedom everywhere.


The day this need/desire to go back to all these realms will be over, we will have attained Moksha. That's too simplistic! When would this need/desire go? Only when we understand that all of us are essentially connected with each other and we don't need to go into the different physical realms to experience our connections. When we understand this, there would be no further need to go through the infinite cycle of birth and death again and again.

And then there will be light and we will rest in peace forever!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Aye Malik Tere bande hum

Film: (Do Aankhein Baarah Haath)

aye malik tere bande hum aise ho hamare karam
neki par chale, aur badi se tale, taki has te hue nik le dum

ye andhera ghana chha raha, tera insaan ghabara raha
ho raha bekhabar, kuchh na aata najar, sukh ka sooraj chhupa ja raha
hai teri roshni mein jo dam tu amawas ko kar de punam
neki par chale, aur badi se tale, taki has te hue nik le dum
aye malik tere bande hum...

bada kamjor hai aadmee, abhi laakhon hai is mein kamee
par too jo khada, hai dayalu bada, teri kirpa se dharti thami
diya tune hume jab janam tu hi jhelega hum sab ke gam
neki par chale, aur badi se tale, taki has te hue nik le dum
aye malik tere bande hum...

jab julmon ka ho samna, tab tu hi hume thamna
wo burai kare, hum bhalai bhare, naheen badle ki ho kamna
badh uthhe pyaar ka har kadam aur mite bair ka ye bharam
neki par chale, aur badi se tale, taki has te hue nik le dum
aye malik tere bande hum...

Monday, July 14, 2008

Getting Rich Slowly (The Non Conformist's Guide to Personal Finance)

Oh its not my idea.

Please read the whole article at http://www.getrichslowly.org/blog/2008/06/26/the-nonconformists’-guide-to-personal-finance/

And I am impressed by the article.

Oh just to revisit some of the principles mentioned there:
  • Emergency saving funds (I usually have them, but seem to be doing bad on this count these days)
  • paying off credit card balances every month ( I religiously follow this. Never paid a single penny extra to the credit card company)
  • being aware of all your expenses (I try hard but am not good at it yet :( basically I try to keep everything in my memory and its not a good idea)
  • using a cash method for discretionary spending (this is a good idea)
  • long term index-fund investing (still to understand it)
  • there is no such thing as a good debt (home loans, car loans, education loans, all are bad in the end, they constrain your freedom)
  • a house is a liability not an asset (so true except for those who are in real estate business ;) )

Actually the article is about much more than just this. It discusses your larger view of life and how your management of your finances assist you towards achieving those.

Oh go ahead and read the whole article yourself. Its worth it.


Lyrics of 'Tumko Dekha to ye khayaal aaya'

Tumko dekhaa to ye khayaal aya
zindagi dhoop tum ghanaa saya

aaj phir dil ne ik tamannaa ki - (2)
aaj phir dil ko hamne samjhaya
zindagi dhoop tum ghana saaya...

tum chale jaoge to sochenge - (2)
ham ne kya khoya- ham ne kya paya
zindagi dhoop tum ghana saya...

ham jise gunguna nahi sak te - (2)
waqt ne aisa geet kyun gaya
zindagi dhoop tum ghana saya...

Movie: saath saath
singer: Jagjit Singh

Managing my personal finances


One of the things that I have always kept putting of, is managing my finances personally.

In principle, I don't have to do much. Its more of a record-keeping work that I need to do on a regular basis.

But my problem is that I only want to do things which are a bit involved, are fun doing, involve some programming, and look like I would achieve something by doing those activities.

Keeping a mundane record of my credits and debits is not one of them.

But something forced me to actually sit back and do it finally.

Oh in short, lately my expenses have be on the higher side, and have led to a situation that I am running short of credit these days. By looking at the statements today, I found that there were some transactions which I couldn't recall at all.

It downed on me that if I don't my books straightened, I would really get into trouble some day.

The Search

Oh I like open source software very much and the moment I thought that I need to manage my personal finances, I went on to look for good open source solutions for them.

After some search, I ended up at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_accounting_software

I zeroed on the three for testing:

Well my another problem is that I like open source software which runs well on Windows. (I fortunately/unforunately have a Windows laptop for everything I do).

GNU Cash is primarily from Linux/Unix background, so I skipped it.

I then tried Grisbi, and JGNash, one by one, but was pretty much dissatisfied with both of them :(

I figured out that :

  • I don't know much about the terminology of personal accounting (things like separate accounts for bank, assets, liabilities, reconciling etc.) and would have to learn them before being able to effectively use these pieces of software
  • They were not actually running well on my Windows (the UI was not native, and didn't feel like I was enjoying using them)

So I spent about 1 hour reading about these and trying them out.

Back to Good Old Spreadsheets

Oh I figured out that I couldn't spend so much time on this. So back to the good old spreadsheets.

Guess what! I don't like spreadsheets :) Reason is simple. I am a programmer, and like to write programs where I can see all the text of the program in front of me (C/C++/Python etc.) and I am a reasonably good programmer.

And in spreadsheets, the programs are supposedly to be fitted inside the cells (formulas etc.); and for myself, I haven't yet been able to reconcile myself with the idea of laying out programs like this.

So in front of spreadsheets, I feel like a dumb foolish guy, and I cannot make much use of these sophisticated applications (Excel/OpenOffice Calc) more than just putting up a dumb table of text and numbers.

The Mundane work

But then this personal finance work needed to be done. And I finally did it. And it turned out that the work was ultimately very useful :)

  • I did a full review of my last 4-5 months of expenses and could identify the different sources of leakages
  • I also was able to finally remember some of the transactions I had forgotten about
  • Finally I had a table in which I had put remarks on some of the important transactions so that I could later remember what they were for.

The Happy Ending

Somehow I got the idea, that I should blog about this experience :) And if you have read so far, then thanx a lot, I hope it was not too bad a reading for you.

Lyrics of Kate nahi kat te ye din ye raat (Mr. India)

Kaate Nahi Katate Ye Din Ye Raat
Kehni Thi Tumse Jo Dil Ki Baat
Lo Aaj Main Kehta Hoon
I Love You

Koi Nahi Bas Tum Ho Saath
Kehni Thi Tumse Jo Dil Ki Baat
Lo Aaj Main Kehti Hoon
I Love You

Kaisi Hava Hai Dhuli Dhuli
Aaj Fiza Hain Khili Khili
Saara Nazaara Naya Naya
Dil Ne Pukaara Piya Piya

Tumne Jo Li Angdaai Hai
Phir Baat Vahi Yaad Aayi Hai
Lo Aaj Main Kehta Hoon
I Love You

Mahaka Mahaka Tera Badan
Bahaka Bahaka Mera Ye Man
Chhalaka Chhalaka Roop Tera
Halka Halka Nasha Mera
Jab A Hi Gai Main Paas Tere
Kah Doon Jo Dil Mein Hai Mere
Lo Aaj Main Kehti Hoon
I Love U