Saturday, July 19, 2008

Logging in and Logging out

Whats this post about?

Oh, all of us keep logging in and out of so many systems every day. Our mails, messengers, work computers, home computers, bank accounts, so many things around us. It just dawned on me that this logging in and logging out is a much higher concept than just my Gmail and my gtalk and my laptop.

The Idea!

In an AHA moment, I just thought up that logging in is birth and logging out is death and we keep reincarnating again and again in different realms time and again.

Different Realms...

In our Hindu literature, we have different lokas like Swarg loka (for all the good souls), Narak loka (for all the bad guys), Patal loka (usually Rakshasa reside there), Goloka (Mr. Krishna conducts his Ras leela's there), Yam loka (Mr. Yamraj rules t here and with help of Mr. Chitragupt's accounts, keeps moving us around from one lok to another) and so on. . I was looking for a right word in English for loka and I finally thought that Realms are the same thing as our lokas.

Extending the Realms idea.. .

Then I extended this idea of realms a bit further. Each of these systems like Gmail, gtalk, yahoo, etc. are realms of their own. They provide a way to get into the realm and a way to get out. We all (the free spirits), have a choice to move around from one realm to another. In a particular realm, we have a few ways of moving around and interacting with other souls currently in the realm. The idea is pretty interesting. It may be crap but its an interesting crap.

A realm is essentially a system which provides ways to log in to the realm (taking birth inside it), and log out of it (dying out of it).

Every day is a new day (Or Every life is a new life)

Every time we log on to a system, its a new session for us. Things in one session are never exactly the same as things in earlier session. Things in one life are never exactly the same as a previous life.


Every realm that we enter into, is a physical realm, which provides certain ways of interaction, while limiting other forms of interaction with other souls. In gmail, you can write mails to others, read current and old mails, in gtalk you can chat with others, on orkut, you can scrap and see what all others are doing (in a limited but its own unique way)

Sub realms

A realm can contain multiple sub realms within providing different ways of interaction. For example, Google is a bigger realm which provides various sub-realms like: gtalk, orkut, gmail, Google search, Google videos.

Your office is a realm of its own. Where you generally meet your colleagues. Your home is another different realm. India is a bigger realm containing multiple sub and sub-sub and sub-sub-sub realms. So is US.

Overlapping/Related/Connected Realms

A number of realms are actually related to each other in certain ways. For example, using an aeroplane you can move from India to US or come back later. Using the telephone, you can talk to another person, who is in a different country(realm).

Super Realm

The earth as a whole is a super realm which contains so many realms within for all of us human beings to keep us engaged from the earthly birth to earthly death.


Attachment is our longing to go back to a realm again and again. We go back and check mails again. Chat with people again. Meet with them again.

The Dilemma

It is interesting to note that every possible realm has very limited ways of interaction. All of us beings are essentially free spiritual beings and don't enjoy limitations of any kind. Still to experience any particular kind of interaction, we will also have to embrace the corresponding limitations of the associated physical realm. In the end, we get frustrated with our limitations, and keep hopping from one realm to another looking for freedom everywhere.


The day this need/desire to go back to all these realms will be over, we will have attained Moksha. That's too simplistic! When would this need/desire go? Only when we understand that all of us are essentially connected with each other and we don't need to go into the different physical realms to experience our connections. When we understand this, there would be no further need to go through the infinite cycle of birth and death again and again.

And then there will be light and we will rest in peace forever!!!

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