Hope is the most hopeless thing in the world. As they say, even if you haven't got anything, you can always have hope. There is always hope. Is this truly correct? Think about it. When one is in good shape and happy, there is no need of hope. Only when one needs something more, or is in really dire situation, he needs hope. Hope exists as a companion of need/desire. If there is no desire, there is no need for hope also. What will you hope for?
When Dharmaraj asked Yudhisthir (in Mahabharata), what is the biggest wonder in this world. Yudhisthir answered: In this world everybody sees millions of living beings being born and dying everyday. But still one never believes in his own death. This is certainly the biggest wonder in the world. What is this wonder built on? On the hope that one will not die. Is it sensible, isn't it hopeless?
There is so much contrast in knowledge and belief. We all know that everything that has a beginning has an end. But we never believe that it applies on us also. Isn't this madness? Insanity?
Yudhishthir surely didn't know about life insurance :-)
A quote on hope which i feel is very powerful in the context of the movie:
hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies
- The Shawshank Redemption
I agree to the part about it being important when people are distressed but that is usually the case, isn't it.
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